Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 12 March 2013

A bit more history...

Happy Birthday to The Man. Yes that’s right grandsons birthday yesterday, his today.
Pretty cool don’t you think

I can do better though. My Dad’s birthday was the day before mine, and my youngest daughter’s is the day after mine and at the end of the same month is my sons.
Now that’s what I call togetherness. 

Talking….er writing about my Dad reminded me of something I discovered today. 

By now you will know, or you would if you were  regulars reader, that I am fairly heavily into my genealogy.
I've just been looking at my grandfather’s details and discovered that not only had my Dad been at Warley Barracks in Brentwood , but my grandfather too. Both were in the Essex Regiment.
I'm currently reading through the WWI regimental war diary of the 11th Esssex. Very hard to comprehend what my grandfather went through

He was Cplr GA Harvey of Plaistow, Port of London Authority worker, enlisted 21 Sept 1914,  wounded 6 Jan 1917

from website The Essex Regiment in 1914-1918)
11th (Service) Battalion
Formed at Warley in September 1914 as part of K3 and came under orders of 71st Brigade in 24th Division. Moved to Shoreham and then to billets in Brighton in January 1915. Returned to Shoreham in March and then on to Blackdown in June 1915.

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