Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 13 March 2013

What do you think about that then...

Another really really cold day. What is it with the weather.
Got to work and my tiny little clinic room was freezing. It’s the coldest I’ve ever been at work.
On the alternate weeks I work in an off-site conic, nurse only no docs. Some days like yesterday I am run off my feet and other days like to day the time is my own, Good to get that annoyingly but required administrative paperwork done. And that is what I got stuck into this morning. But he room didn’t make it easy. It was like a fridge and I wound up putting my jacket back on and was sorely tempted dot put my glovies on too. With only a tiny fan heater to combat the chill there was no way the room was going to warm up. So I called the help desk and asked them to warm it up. Did it happen? No it did not. Never mind I'm pretty sure the weather will warm up now.
Well we have been issued with warm cardigans as part of our uniform so murphy law begin what it is it stands to reason it will warm up.
Now back to the family history theme.
I’ve been trying to make sense of my grandfather’s WWII Regimental War Diary.
Here’s just the first page of several hundred, you have a go at reading it

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