Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 11 March 2013

Monday thoughts...

Happy birthday to our second oldest grandson who turned ten today. His mother keeps telling him to ‘stop growing’ but does he listene, no he does not.

Brrr it was cold again today, down to a cool minus one when we left for work. Not only that there was quite a bit of the white fluffy stuff falling too.
I wonder if it’s my fault ‘cos I put most of our winter clothes away. Notice that I said ‘most’, just as well is all I can say. This morning I was very pleased to be able to don my waterproof and windproof leggings. Made for a much more pleasant walk to the bus stop.

You’d think, wouldn’t you that in a country whose population is suffering financial wise, well we are in a recession or at least that’s how it seems, that gambling would not be something to be encouraged. Well that’s my opinion for what it is worth.
Why am I writing about this, I’ll tell you? We are bombarded with advertising that encourages gambling. Every item we watch TV we see adverts for such and such a gambling site. Bingo, online poker, roulette, you name it, and I think you can gamble your money away on any mobile device or computer.

Not only are that but there ads too, offering what are called ‘payday loans’ just to tide you over until payday. They don’t advertise the extortionist interest rate though; no wonder people get themselves into strife.

Hardly a week goes past too that we don’t get a letter from our bank offering us a credit card at 16.9% interest. What a cheek the bank has to even consider offering that kind of interest rate on borrowings when the interest rate on our savings account is just a measly 0.6%.
 I kid you not. Shame on the banks  

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