Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 5 February 2013

thoughts to live by...

Yesterday was world Cancer Day. 

We have all had someone in our family touched by cancer

It makes me think about the fragility of life. 

My sister wrote on her Facebook page today that it is a year since her man was diagnosed with cancer and just a few short weeks since he passed away.

One of the docs I work with had a birthday today and said to me ‘What’s your secret? You and your man always look so happy.

I find myself saying to people that I don’t mind a few ‘I wish I hadn’ts’ at the end of my life and not too many ‘I wish I hads’

That’s the whole reason for us living so far away from New Zealand. For a very long time I had said that I wanted to live and work over here. For the things that were ordinary in my parents live, like the iconic St Pauls, to be ordinary in mine. 

So to all of you, who are looking for the secret to a happy life I say, be true to yourself, take risks (calculated ones), and be happy in your own skin. Life is what you make of it. 

When people ask me if I’m having a good day, the answer is always ‘yes, and it’s my own fault if I don’t. You and only you are responsible for how you react.

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