Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 18 February 2013

Gone...but not to be forgotten...

Tis a sad day today…

Richard Briers, small screen legend and Shakespearean actor has gone to join that big theatre in the sky.  The very young receptionist where I work said to  me ‘who’s he?’

‘He was in The Good Life with Felicity Kendall’ I replied.

‘The Good what…..?’

I would have thought that even if she’d never seen it she might at least have heard about it.
He was in that other very funny sitcom ‘Ever Decreasing Cirlces’ She’d never heard of that one either.

Oh dear, is that showing my age that this youngster, young enough to be one of my grandees, hasn’t heard of him or the programmes he was in.

Then at lunch time when I was checking out the news from New Zealand on the NZ Herald website there was the awful announcement that Kevin Black, well known radio personality has died suddenly.

Blackie, master of the Solid Gold airwaves, deviser of pranks and all round good guy is no more. Taken from his family by a heart attack. He will be sadly missed.

Then, there I was minding the store just after lunch and one of the young physio’s comes in looking a bit down. When I ask her what’s up she tell me that her grandfather had died that morning. Not totally unexpected, but a body blow none the less. 

So to all of you I say, make the most of the life you have, you just never know what’s around the corner…..

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