Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 22 February 2013

Horsing around...

So, there has been a lot of bad press bout horse meat turning up in processed meats.
Major supermarket chains have been pulling products off the shelves before you can say jockey. Now an internationally known brand has also been affected too. Birdseye, the frozen food company has pulled its ready meals from supermarket freezers.

Now I don’t have an issue with eating animals that are bread for the table. But horses are another kettle of fish…or should I say stable of …well…horses. 

Animals bred for the table have to meet specific standards in terms of chemicals that can be ingested and clear hygiene regulations have to be met all the way through the process. But who knows if any such regulations were observed...

Now hot on the heels of that is a report in the local paper tonight about a couple having a romantic dinner. Partway through the salad the remains of a dead bird was discovered. 

So guess who won’t be purchasing any processed meat dishes or pre prepared salads.
Not that I buy that type of convenience food anyway

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