Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 16 February 2013

Well that was different...

Quite a different day today for The Man and me. 

Why so?

Well for a start once we got to London Bridge Station we went in different directions, and we hardly ever do that. 

The Man went to The London Glass Studio.

In about 1996 when we were on holiday in Cairns we saw a chap making little glass animals and ornaments, and I think that is when The Man saw something that he would really like to do.  Not making those sorts of things, but working with the glass. Over the years since we’ve visited Glass studios and that just reinforced his desire to work with this amazing medium. All the courses that we found were part of an arts degree rather than specifically about glass.

Just before Christmas we visited the studio and bought ourselves a nice piece as a Christmas pressy for ourselves. That’s when he found out that the studio run classes. And small classes at that, one tutor to just two students. Exellent.  I think he had a ball. 

He made several pieces and I cannot wait to see them all. No, he didn’t get to bring them home today as they need to be cooled slowly. We’ll go get them mid-week, and yes I will post pictures of them. 

And what did I do?

I went to the offices of The Society of Genealogists, to some granny hunting.
I pored over Suffolk parish registers, lists of marriages, christenings and burials writing down names and dates. And until I get all the information sorted out I am not sure if any of the details I took down will be useful. If not then they will at least serve to eliminate certain parishes in Suffolk form my search.

I’ll keep you posted

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