Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Charity should begin at home...

Middle of the week and not much to write about?

So the remains of King Richard the third have been found. So what?

There is a discussion going on now about where to bury him. York Minster or Westminster Abbey. And not only that there is talk about a grand ceremony as would befit a king. What do I think. Of course you a really keen to know what I think aren’t you?

Well I think they should just dig a hole in whatever church wins the vote and spend the money on a deserving charity, a charity in this country too and not send the money off shore.

OK there are deserving charities in other countries, but hey there is a whole range of advertising campaigns trying to tug at our heartstrings and tip up our pockets into their coffers. 

Save the tiger, save the bear, save the donkeys, save all sorts of critters…

Hardly a week goes by without the collectors of some or other charity shaking their collection containers in the faces of the commuters at Canary Wharf Station. 
And no I keep my wallet firmly tucked inside my bag almost all the time

I refuse to give any of my hard earned money to collectors who are obviously paid to collect. How do I know they are paid? Cos I ask them.
There are a couple of charities here that I will willingly put my hand in my pocket for and those ones all have volunteer collectors. I do that because I want ALL of my donation to go to them, not just a small proportion of it.

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