Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Americans and guns

So what do you write about when you don’t have much to say?

I could talk about the weather. Pretty cool here in London, and I needed to wear my earmuffs to and fro. Yes that’s right earmuffs. Well if you think that is funny you should see some of the headgear people wear. And it has been cold for several days now, too cold to melt the snow that is on the car next to where we live.

 Ok so that’s the weather out of the way.

What’s next?

Heard this morning that Mr Obama is going to get tough on the gun toting public and he promised that America will be out of the war in Iraq very soon. Even gave a date for it.
As to the gun comment, well it is high time that something was done. What on earth the average American needs an automatic or high powered assault weapon is totally beyond me. Ok so there is something in the constitution that says they have the right to bear arms, or some such statement.
Ah here is the quote I was looking for, the Second Amendment to the Constitution simply states

, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

But hang on a bit, if you read it through in its entirety what it actually says more than just the right to bear arms. Surely it says that because a man might need to defend his county he needs to be armed.  So if I interpret it properly then folks have the right to bear arms if they in the military. It seems that the folks who want these very dangerous weapons are taking things out of context. If it is as obvious as that to me then why isn’t it as clear to the average American?
Or am I missing something here.

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