Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Worthless promises...

In August 2011 rioters damaged and destroyed property and the parliamentary ministers promised to ‘kick out the crims’

Now we read the following in the local paper.

Only 15 of more than 200 foreigners involved in the London riots have been deported, it was revealed today.

The UK Border Agency has also admitted that 31 offenders have been told they can remain in the country.

People from 44 nations including Jamaica, Somalia and Poland were convicted of offences ranging from robbery and burglary to theft and criminal damage during the riots in August 2011.

Ministers promised to kick out the foreign criminals “at the earliest opportunity”.

However, a freedom of information response has revealed that of 201 cases passed to UKBA, just 15 convicts have left the country, while 28 have been given permission to stay as they “do not meet deportation criteria” and three others have been allowed to remain after legal appeals.

Three have absconded and another 53 are at large but classed as “still being considered for deportation”. Aworthless total of 63 are still in prison or in immigration detention awaiting deportation.

Some 31 have been given temporary admission while their cases are considered. Five are waiting to be sentenced.

EU laws prevent the deportation of EU citizens sentenced to less than two years’ prison. Non-EU nationals do not qualify for automatic deportation unless jailed for at least 12 months.

Immigration minister Mark Harper said: “We are pursuing deportation in scores of cases.”

Another case of unbroken promises...

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