Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 3 February 2013

Looking after the pounds...

What better way to spend a cold Sunday than indoors with The Man I love the moistest in the whole world. 

Well we did do a very quick walk to the local supermarket and stopped off to look in the pound Store that has very recently opened right next to the supermarket. 

If you don’t know what a Pound Store is, I’ll tell you. It’s where everything, and I mean everything, is sold at a pound or less.
Not by weight but by value.

It sells the cheap nasty toys that won’t last five minutes once the kids start to play with them, but in multi packs and at that price no one is going to complain. Food and cleaning products are on the shelves too.

A couple of weeks ago in the supermarket I bought a bottle of Ciff, like Jiff. A cream scouring cleaner. Paid nearly £4 for it in the supermarket. Well the Pound Store has the cheap equivalent at just £1. Even if the quality isn’t quite as good the value is much much better. 

I also bought three cans of chickpeas for…yes that’s right just £1. Supermarket had it on special down from 69p to 50p per can. 

I bought a three pack of small tins of pineapple pieces too, again the pack was £1, and the same pack in the supermarket would cost me closer to £2. 

Toilet cleaner in there for £1, less than a third of the price in supermarket. 

Makes you think about the potential mark-up the supermarkets put on their goods when these stores can sell good at such low prices

The prices in the supermarket have been slowly creeping up and up. Sometimes only by a few pence but enough to make me think more about the choices I make. 

So, Mr Sainsbury, The Man and I will be spending less of our hard earned cash in your store Iceland and the Pound Store will be the shops we will definitely be looking to first.

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