Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 2 February 2013

Saint Pauls Cathedral

What a beautiful morning. So we wrapped ourselves up well for a walk down to the train station. One of our fellow passengers had her pet ferret with her, yes really on the train!

Where were we off to today then?
To St Pauls Cathedral. 
 We’ve been here in London for almost three years and this is our first visit to this iconic cathedral. Why has it taken us so long I hear you ask?
Well in the summer after we got here the queues were huge to get in. Then last winter when we did think we would visit, there were protesters camped outside and we really didn’t want to go anywhere near it.

 So now there is another thing ticked off the to do list.
The building is beautiful from the huge white marble font, circa 1726, at the great west doors to the magnificent canopied high altar. The sparkling white columns and walls have their decorations picked out in gold. It made me feel like I was inside a wedding cake. 

Partway down the nave is a magnificent monument to the Duke of Wellington, whose actual tomb is below in the crypt. Memorials and tombs with statues galore are everywhere. Unfortunately photography was not allowed, but I did to take one of Lord Kitchener’s tomb before I saw the sign. 

Admiring the beautiful interior gave us an appetite so it was down to the cafe in the crypt for a bit of lunch and a coffee before going back outside. 

We had planned on doing part of a walking tour before catching the train back to Crystal Palace. But brrrrr the wind was biting so we made a beeline for the nearest station, about ten minutes’ walk away. But it was closed. Oh well on to the next one, but look Temple Church is just over there…

We couldn’t resist…unfortunately the church itself wasn’t open, but we had a nice stroll around the grounds before continuing our walk.
I added a few more pictures to my ‘statues’ album too.

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