Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 24 February 2013

Trundling along...

Grocery shopping day for us today. Off to Clapham Junction with our trusty shopping trolley. And yes we do have one of those. And that piece of kit is not something we will even be considering taking back to NZ with us. Wouldn’t be seen dead with one back there.

But here folks of all ages from little kids to teenagers to grannies like us trundle along with one.
So what’s the difference here? The difference is that many folks here have no transport of their own. I mean why would you when it is so easy to get about by public transport and so expensive and difficult to own and keep a private car over here.

Firstly, there is the congestion charge, OK that doesn’t apply to us, and there is the emissions zone. Not to mention the difficulty finding a park. OK supermarkets generally have their own parking spaces but not many other destinations do.

Not to mention the cost of insurance and the cost of fuel, then there is the registration cost, regular MOT’s, and the list goes on. Then there is the cost of actually parking it outside your own property and yes in many places you have to pay to park even outside your own house.

So you can see why we are quite happy to join the ‘granny trolley’ club.

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