Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 11 February 2013

Shades of Lindy Chamberlain.

 What am I on about?

Read on.

An urban fox attempted to make off with a four week old baby.

Yes, you read it right.

Apparently the red terror got in through the back door and pulled the baby out of its cot and tried to drag it off. The baby’s screams brought the mother running. The fox had the baby by the hand and was shaking it, banging the child’s head against the wall. The mother kicked the fox away from her wee son who was covered in blood.
The baby is recovering in hospital after having his wounds stitched and a finger reattached.
Urban foxes are a menace and this latest attack has fired up the debate about how to deal with them.

Animal rights activists are on the side of the foxes, but me, well I’m on the side of the babies.

If a domestic dog did the same thing it would be put down no questions asked. 

So why is the wild fox population so different.

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