Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 15 February 2013

Lights camera...action

Friday AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy do the weeks come around fast. Seems like it was only yesterday that I was writing about Friday.

The weather has turned warm again, if you can call 7 degrees warm. Well it is half past eight in the evening.

Was incredible to see a newscast about a meteor coming down in Russia. It must have been very very scary.

The meteor - estimated to be about 10 tons - entered the Earth's atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of at least 54,000 kph and shattered into pieces about 30-50 kilometres above the ground, the Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement. Amateur video showed an object speeding across the sky about 9:20 a.m. local time, just after sunrise, leaving a thick white contrail and an intense flash. 

We were hoping to catch a glimpse of the other meteorite that is making a close flyby tonight, but the skies here are way too much pollute with light. That’s when they are clouded over.   

The Man and I had a very pleasant walk around Canary Wharf tonight. We went the long way to the train station. Well worth the lovely views out over the water.
What do you think?

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