Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 10 February 2013

No barking here...

Have we had  good day?


The Man and I have had a GREAT DAY.

No we didn’t go out, but hey the weather was not conducive to it anyway. Temperature never go above three degrees all day, and it rained for most of the afternoon too. At one stage The Man even though he saw a few flakes of snow. Didn’t come to anything though.

The Man had a play on the computer this morning and I had a play on it this afternoon.

I’ve been ‘playing’ with my family tree for more years than I care to remember.
And today I may well have made a decent breakthrough.

Serendipity is like that.

Anyway today, if I have got my facts right, and I think that I have, then one line of the family now goes back to the mid 1500’s. So fingers crossed that I am not barking up the wrong tree

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