Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 28 February 2013

Sensible eating

Today is the last official day of winter here, and last official day of summer back home in New Zealand. 

I’m still, after all this time, having trouble getting my head around the time zone difference.

An interesting day at work today. We had a ‘Health Event’ going on. A healthy Heart event.
So what was that all about?

With the assistance of a dietician and a couple of specialist nurses we offered body fat percentage calculation, BMI, blood pressure, and random blood cholesterol 
We set our tables up outside the canteen and we were inundated with folks wanting to have their measurements done. And did we find any with high cholesterol? Oddly enough not many, But then when you think about it, it is usually the motivated and healthy who look after themselves isn’t it.
I talk to clients about their health, well I am a nurse and the question of  health does crop up from time to time. 

A few of them are on very high protein, very low or no carbs. And they are losing weight. Well of course they are, but unfortunately that kind of eating puts the body into famine mode and it begins to break down its own tissues. And that is not sustainable.
There is only one way to lose weight and the famous, in  the UK anyway, comedienne, Miranda has the very best diet plan ever.
No need for all those expensive plans or groups
And what is it?
Eat less exercise more.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sad News

It was really sad today to hear on the international news that an experienced sea swimmer had been taken by a shark of Murawai Beach in Auckland New Zealand.

Is it do you think a direct response to the shark’s natural food supply being depleted by over fishing. 

Or perhaps possibly because sharks have learned that man = food. 

Thrill seeking divers descend into cages and lure sharks to them with blood and burley. And sharks being top predators are naturally attracted to the smell of food

 So if other animals have learned that where man is there is probably food why not sharks. 
Coincidentally there were fisherman nearby, and fishermen often use burley to attract fish to their vicinity. 

Whatever the reason the sharks were at that particular beach at that time it is still a huge tragedy for the families involved.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

A bit of a Goon...

Well that’s one thing off my Bucket List.
But no, I haven’t ticked it off, rather removed it because I think it is way too dangerous.
It was a  desire for a ride in a hot air balloon. Not any more I can tell you.
After hearing of the very nasty mid-air accident that killed 19 people ballooning’s off, love.
Ok so you don’t get the humour in the comment. Well, let me explain. There’s a Peter Sellers monologue, with it in. Go listen to it and you’ll see where it comes from.

He was a very talented comedian. Troubled in his personal life maybe, but entertainer of the masses  definitely.
He played several of my favourite Goons. Oh com on don’t tell me you haven’t heard of them. Surely you have. Neddy Seagoon, Blue Bottle , Eccles, Moriarty, Henry Crun, to name but a few

Ned Seagoon

Played by Harry Secombe

An honest but gullible idiot, around whom the plot revolves. The patriotic Neddie is always willing to lay down his life for his country. He is often unemployed, some episodes begining with him accepting a new job which leads him into to trouble. Many jokes are made about his short yet rounded appearance.
Catchphrases include "Hello folks", "Needle nardle noo", "What,what,what,what,what" and "I don't wish to know that".

Major Dennis Bloodnok

Played by Peter Sellers

A corrupt military cad, pervert and idiot. Seagoon's former commanding officer who suffers terrible flatulence. Bloodnok is a total coward who will betray anyone or anything for money.
Catchphrases include "Nurse the screens!" and "It was hell in there".


Played by Peter Sellers

A young, lustful boy scout with a squeaky voice who normally gets blown up in each episode. He is often a companion of Eccles and is willing to help anyone for sweets, although he frequently fails. Bluebottle is noted for using tools or weapons made from cardboard and string. He often reads his stage directions out loud and is always greeted with a deliberate round of applause from the audience. The character is based on real scout master with a squeaky voice.
Catchphrases include "Enter Bluebottle, waits for applause...Not a sausage", "You rotten swine, you deaded me" and "I don't like this game".


Played by Spike Milligan

The Famous Eccles, complete and utter idiot. An amiable, well-meaning man with no wits or understanding. When people tell him to shut up, he frequently joins in and often goes on telling himself to shut up long after everyone else has given up. Eccles often finds himself helping Ned Seagoon alongside Bluebottle. His idiotic logic is considered to epitomize Goon humour.
Catchphrases include "Hello der", "Fine, fine, fine", "I'm the famous Eccles" and "Shut up Eccles".

Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

Played by Peter Sellers

A sleazy, well-educated and scheming cad. He generally collaborates with Count Moriarty to swindle Ned Seagoon.
Catchphrases include "You silly twisted boy" and "Have a gorilla".

Count Jim Moriarty

Played by Spike Milligan

Unscrupulous member of the French aristocracy who turned to crime to support his lifestyle. As The Goon Show developed, Moriarty decended from a ined criminal mastermind into a snivelling sidekick to Grytpype-Thynne. He is often found scavenging in dustbins looking for food and uttering meaningless foreign-sounding curses.
Catchphrases include "Oooowwwww" and "Sapristi nabolis".

Henry Crun

Played by Peter Sellers

An elderly idiot inventor and partner of Minnie Bannister. Rather decrepit and forgetful, he often struggles to keep pace with the action around him.
Catchphrases include "You can't get the wood you know".

Minnie Bannister

Played by Spike Milligan

A feeble old spinster with an interesting past. Minnie enjoys modern-type music and is as flirtatious as a girl a third her age.
Catchphrases include "Henrrryyyyy" and "We'll all be murdered in our beds!".

And last but not least their famous song.

 The Ying Tong song. Go on . listen to it, I dare you lol;_ylt=A2KLqIXjGC1R.gEA4aP7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBvcTJzcm5xBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVjEzMQ--?p=ying+tong&vid=b01d1339b4a324d307448bdda34839c5&l=3%3A30&

Monday 25 February 2013

She did not know that...

Heyho, heyho, it’s off to work we go. Well we did this morning, now another Monday come and almost gone. Before we know it the weekend will be on us again. 

Can you tell that I am not really sure what to write about today?

How bout this for  bit of trivia.

It seems that the mornings have become lighter all of a sudden. OK I know that each day towards mid summer becomes longer by about two minutes every day. 

But did you know that the amount of time gained is different from week to week here in London?
Well I didn’t. Just look at this chart



+1 day
00:04 longer
00:03 longer
+1 week
00:27 longer
00:26 longer
+2 weeks
00:55 longer
00:54 longer
+1 month
01:58 longer
01:58 longer
+2 months
03:54 longer
04:00 longer
+3 months
05:27 longer
05:48 longer
+6 months
03:17 longer
03:19 longer