Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 28 December 2012

Where did it go...

OMG only two more days and it will be 2013. And I have blogged every day for the whole year. 

It is no wnder that I run out of thins to write about some days. What a fuss there was 13 years ago when we went from 1999 to 2000. Rumours flew about the ‘Millennium Bug’ all our computers were going to crash, airplanes would fall out of the sky and in general al hell would let loose. NOT
A wise doc I was working for at the time said ‘just advance the date on the computer and see what happens’ Nothing did.   

I’ve had a nice quiet day pottering with all my genealogy paperwork. Tidying it up and trying to get all the information that I have about each person in the same place. Only trouble now is that the folder I have it in is overcrowded. I thought I would be able to get another from on of the stores at Crystal place, my Mum would have said ‘Well you know what tight thought don’t you?’
He thought his foot was out of bed so he got up to have a look. 

Stroke of luck this afternoon when I turned o the TV one of the upcoming movies was Nicolas Cage in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. When it hit the cinemas last year sometime I really wanted to go and see it. It took a while to find a cinema that was showing it and by the time we got to it we had missed the beginning. Not any more

1 comment:

  1. I like that movie, the apprentice is the voice for "toothless", the lead dragon in "how to tame your dragon" movie that your granddaughter loves . I certainly enjoy keeping up with the two of you via the blog
