Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 2 December 2012

Not very warm, but we still went out...

Golly gosh it was chilly this morning. A high of minus two just before the sun snuck up over the horizon , and not much more afterwards. But it was a brilliant blue sky day. So off The Man and I went to The Dulwich Gallery on the number three bus. 

It is one of the world's most important collections of European old master paintings of the 1600s and 1700s. On the walls hang works by names that even we recognise, Rubens, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Rembrandt and of course Constable. A couple of still lifes caught our eye and on close inspection we found ants, ladybirds and a few flying insects as well as water drops that looked as though they would fall from the leaves any moment. Of course there were the usual suspects there too, religious themed pictures, landscapes and seascapes, portraits of lady this and sir that, and the odd one of animals too. All beautifully surrounded by their ornate and very heavy gilt frames.   

After we had had our fill of paintings large and small, we took a walk to Dulwich Village, nd you can take  a look at some of the lovely old buildings here and peaked inside the church at the end of the gallery grounds. What a beauty with tis ornately carved pew ends. Unlike many churches we visit this one appeared well looked after and well used.

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