Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 20 December 2012

Short and sweet today

Yes it definitely is the silly season; the mall is not a nice place to be at lunch time as I found when I went for a walk during my break. It was raining and I just wanted a walk so I thought I’ll walk to the end on the outside and then back on the inside, by the I would have had enough and be a bit cool and it will be nice to get back inside. How wrong could I have been? 

Wall to wall people. OK it is pretty busy at any time of the year but today was diabolical. Suits everywhere and the clatter of high heels was almost deafening, well not that bad but it did sound like a hail shower rather than a gentle spring rain. And inside the supermarket, well all I can say is that is that I’m pleased I didn’t need to buy anything because the queues were so very long.

Talking about queues, even when it isn’t the silly season I don’t get standing in a very long queue to buy lunch from one of the eateries in the mall. There is one situated very near one of the escalators and the line of hungies usually snakes right around the base of the stairs and often doubles back on itself. Me, I can think of better places to spend the majority of my lunch hour.

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