Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Snippets from the news...

A CCTV video of a woman being dragged all the way up an escalator on her back has been released by Network Rail to urge travellers to take care at stations this Christmas. The footage was taken in April when the victim tripped on her high heels at Euston station and was lucky to escape serious injury. She fell backwards before being dragged up the full-length of the escalator.

Drivers are being warned to be on their guard as widespread freezing fog and icy conditions descend on the UK.  Large swathes of the country are expected to experience adverse weather after one of the coldest nights of the year so far.On Monday night, the mercury plummeted to a chilly minus 10C (14F) in some parts of the country, with Scotland experiencing the lowest temperatures.

Interesting to see an item from NZ on the news. Was it an important political event, or a word shattering discovery. Neither of the was about rescue dogs that have been taught to drive cars.  Seems these critters are part of a publicity stunt to show people that rescue dogs can be intelligent and can be taught new tricks.
Pretty newsworthy. Not as newsworthy as this item though. A fifty foot inflatable rubber duck that was floated up the Thames this morning, bother I missed it. And what was that in aid of? Not a charity I can tell you. It was to promote a gambling site in the guise of a scheme to encourage Britons to have more fun in December.

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