Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 30 December 2012

Penultimate entry...

With only one day to go I should tell you that after tomorrow there will be no more entries on this site. That’s because I seem to have used up all my photograph storage space and I don’t want to delete any of them. I will create a new blog site, but I haven't a clue what it will be called…

Any suggestions?  

I have no idea why, but there was not a lot of sleep had in our house last night. Both The man and I were up until 0400 watching a movie called Chocolat. Not a bad movie, but we would have both preferred to have been in dreamland. 

So we didn’t get up until almost 1100 and when we did it was a rush because we were going to a friend’s house for lunch. We had originally intended to walk over, which would have taken us about forty-five minutes, but we got the bus instead. 

Getting around here is so easy. Unless of course the transport system is on strike, like it was on Boxing Day.

And a very nice afternoon we had with them too, chatting about everything and nothing. She’s into her genealogy too so we had plenty  in common to talk about. She’d love to locater her step Dad’s military record, but without his service number it will be a very difficult task. 

There will be a few resolution next year and goodness me this year has run out fast, so I will need to keep my wits about me if I want to keep them. Usually I make the same on every year, and that is not to make any, but this coming year I will be working extra hard on my family tree.

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