Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 3 December 2012

Switch places? Never...

This next bit falls into the ‘Now I’ve Heard (just about) Everything’ category.

I read in the paper on the way home this evening about a cinema in London that has replaced its front row seats with…wait for it…beds. 
Yes that’s right, beds. 
So now no snogging in the back row anymore, now it’s all there out in front of everyone. So it might not be just the film that’s X rated. Just as well there are blankets provided to snuggle under 

But the headline of the day is that Kate and William have announced they are expecting. Poor girl, not only does she have to deal with the problems associated earl pregnancy she has to do it in the public eye. 

It used to be every little girls dream to be a princess, the glamour, fun, money travel, seeming never to have to lift a finger.
 How different the reality is.
 OK, yes there is travel, accompanied by the paparazzi and great clothes, commented on by the world press.   And a huge invasion of your personal  privacy. 

It’s a good thing royalty no longer have to give birth in public to prove that a pretender hasn’t been slipped in under the covers. 

And nope I wouldn’t switch places with any of them

I am rich I’m many many more ways.

A great man for a husband, wonderful kids and amazing grandchildren. I love you all.

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