Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 27 December 2012

Home again...

The Man and I are home now, well he went to work and I came home, he’ll be in a bit later.

So where have we been, well if you read the chrissy blogs you’d know that The Man and I spent it with my cousin. She’s the daughter of my Dad’s sister. They live about an hour’s train ride away. And then only a short walk from the local rail station.

Families are great aren’t they, you don’t see them for such a long time, and when you do it’s like you only saw them yesterday.  

The Man and I had just the best Christmas. A really truly traditional one. The only thing missing was the snow. 

After everyone had gone home we sat and talked and talked and talked until well after 2am. How long is it since I have been up until after midnight? Hmm quite a long time I can tell you.
Then on Boxing Day, once we had all gotten out of bed it was a short walk to the local pub. That visit was marred a bit by a group of yobbos playing pool who got louder and louder. That was OK, until the winner of the game threw the contents of his glass over the loser. Not very nice that. Then a short time later the girlfriends of the group began to arrive, time for us to leave. 

We got a tad wet on the way back, but it didn’t dampen our spirits for the remainder of the day. We were supposed to play a game, but chatting and exchanging stories was more fun than any board game.
We did manage to get a reasonably early night which was good as we did get up early so that we could catch the train back to London. 

The Man and I had planned to come back on Boxing Day, but our plans went ‘gang aft a gley’ as the poet wrote. And there were absolutely no trains running on that day at all, so even had we been able to get back into London we would have had a job and a half getting back to Crystal Palace.

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