Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 8 December 2012

Soap box time

Seems like these days every time I open up the diary page to write, all inspiration flees out the window. But with not many days to go until the end of the year I think I can keep it up. Well I have to admit that it has become a bit of a habit now and habits are hard to break.

 Apart from a quick walk to the supermarket around the corner, how handy is that, The Man and I have spent the day indoors. The weather was clement so it wasn’t that that kept us in. Sometimes is it nice to be lazy and with our comfy warm flat with its pretty view why would we be tempted out in the cold. I think the temperature wouldn’t have gotten into double figures even in the sunshine.

We watched a TV programme a few nights ago about the amount of rubbish we each create. We have indeed become a throwaway society. Just about everything we buy comes in some form of packaging, no I take that back, EVERYTHING comes in packaging 

It wasn’t so many years ago that we bought our meat from the butcher and we took our purchases home just wrapped just paper. The vegies came in paper bags not plastic and we took our groceries home in our own bags or baskets. Screws and nails could be bought loose, not packaged up in small quantities that weighed less than the packaging.  

And don’t get me started about the packaging that toy come in. Too late I am started. Yes it looks pretty and I suppose it does to some extent protect the product. Hang on a bit shouldn’t toys be sturdy to put up with the love that children heap into them. 

Oh, I must be getting old

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