Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 17 December 2012

Good News and other

 On Friday the station was so packed that the gates were closed and people were only being allowed down onto the platform in dribs and drabs. There was such a huge queue at the gates that rather than stand about in the crowd I had a coffee and chrissy mince pie in my usual Starbucks. This morning when I couldn't find my Buckys card I though Oh no I must have lost it. Bother. Bit fate was smiling on me as there down the side of the seat that I sat in on Friday was... you guessed it. My card.
These are some of the headlines from the paper this evening
Tube Drivers Vote to Strike on Boxing Day in Overtime Row.
 Absolutely no surprises there at all. These drivers earn good money, demanded and got huge bonuses during the Olympics and for what…doing their normal work. Now they want more money again.
Council Tax Blow to Thousands Who Own Two Homes.
Basically at the moment if you own a second home in the capital you get a discount of up to 50%on the amount of council tax or rates that they pay. The article then goes on to say that more than 70,000 homes in London are empty.
Sort Out The Traffic and leave Our Burgers alone top chefs Tell Council
The council want to ban the sale of burgers cooked ‘rare’

And last but not least, in the silly stakes…
He Was a Good Lad, Says mother of Driver, 15, Who Died Fleeing Police.
The underage boy died when the car he was driving hit a tree during a police chase at 12.30 am. Traveling in excess of 70mph in a built up area. So what was he doing out at that time of the morning and driving a car.

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