Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Cold comfort

The thermometer has been gradually falling, but this morning I didn’t think it would be cold enough for the white stuff, but it was. Not much here in London I grant you, but in some places enough to disrupt the public transport system in some places.  Not really sure why a bit of ice and snow causes so much of a problem here in Britain. Well it does often snow at this time of the year, just like it does in other places in the world. Places like Canada. Where in all but the worst weather public transport continues to operate. 

But The Man and I are prepared for the worst and have some supplies laid in just in case. Nothing like being prepared I say. Those who know me will be very well aware that I always like to have plan B.

The government here, like those in other counties are trying desperately to tighten their belts. Pension eligibility ages are rising. Couple that with the increasing cost of living and that means that people re retiring later. Sounds logical. At the other end of age spectrum there are not enough jobs for the young. 

Hmmm so if the oldies are staying at work longer surely that will mean that the jobs that would have been freed up by their retirement aren’t.
Doesn’t take a mathematician to work that less people leaving means less jobs being freed up.
Not really sure of the governments logic there.
But then putting words like government and logic in the same sentence just doesn’t sound right to me, does it to you?

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