Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 4 December 2012

In the news...

Another chilly morning. Time to get the boots and merino socks out to have toasty warm feet for the walk to the station.

A couple of weeks ago we sent in The Man’s visa application, and what you know there in the mail today was an acknowledgement letter. I was sure we wouldn’t hear from them for weeks and weeks. The letter states that they attempt to have the application sorted within six months. I’ll keep you posted on that one. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it will all be plain sailing.

I wonder if it is serendipity that an historian interested in the royal family is called Kate Williams. The media are having a field day with the preggers princess. 

 How’s this for front page news?
He (Prince William) was taken to the King Edward VII Hospital in Marylebone in a Landover Discovery…he was casually dressed in a jumper and an open neck shirt…

Bookies are offering 33/1 that they will have twins. There is also betting on the child’s name and weight. One comment I heard this morning, about the lack of privacy was that the only time a royal baby was out of the public eye was when it was in the womb.

Oh and Kate will be treated by Jill Dando’s former fiancĂ© Alan Farthing.

Who gives a toss who he was or wasn’t engaged to?

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