Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 10 December 2012

Not much to say...

In front of me going up the escalator this morning was a smartly suited young man clutching a briefcase in his hand, nothing different in that I hear you say? The reason I noticed him was for the pair of bright orange waterproof overshoes he was wearing. 

Seems every time to we turn on the TV and scan down through the menu to find something to watch in the eveing, there will always be at least one programmes about one of the two world wars. Last night was no different. The programme was bout the sinking of the Hood. She was supposed to be invincible.

HMS Hood was the last battle cruiser built for the Royal Navy. Commissioned in 1920, she was named after the 18th century Admiral Samuel Hood. Hood operated in World War II and was sunk by the German battleship Bismarck in 1941

The programme set out to find out once and for all why this apparently invincible ship sank within minutes of being attacked by the German warship Bismarck. It seems that it wss a lucky, or unlucky shot that punched though light decking and down into one of Hood’s magazines. Of the 81 officers and 1244 men aboard only three survived. It is thought that the explosion caused a huge fireball that would have very very rapidly spread thought out the ship.

 It was quote moving to watch the ROV dive on the wreck site and see personal effects like shoes and gasmasks strewn across the seabed.
Update on The Man, he’s still not right, and at least this week off, if not next too. Depends on how well he feels after the weekend.

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