Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 1 December 2012

Saturday rambling

Two years ago on my birthday it snowed, and I was rather hoping it might do the same today. No such luck, but it did feel cold enough to. Oh well maybe tomorrow

OK yes it is my birthday and no I’m not going to tell you how old I am. As The Man wrote in my card ‘It’s not about age it’s about what you do with your life’ And I always say age is just a number. old is inside you head…

Not only was it my Dad’s birthday yesterday and mine today, it is a daughter’s birthday tomorrow and a granddaughters birthday the day after.
So what did we do today?

We wrapped ourselves up very warmly, gloves, scarves, and ear muffs. Well I wore the ear muffs and The Man wore his cap. Down to the station, and on the train to get to Stratford, which is also where the Olympic park was. A huge amount of money was spent here, and the site looks pretty deserted.
So into the mall and to Starbucks, where I had arranged to meet two new cousins. Our great grans were sisters. I think it is interesting how complete strangers, which is what we were, can feel like family on meeting. Starbucks was very very busy and noisy but we swapped stories and got out the pictures of our families to share. Hopefully we will meet up again before Christmas.

There I’ve mentioned the C word, which reminds me of an add for the perfect present for ‘Him’. What is it? Nothing less than a beard/stubble trimmer that has 22 settings. Talk about designer stubble . And talking about TV adds, we are constantly amazed to see all the advertisements  that promote gambling, namely Bingo, and other forms of gambling too. These sites offer ‘free’ money when you join up. (Can you hear me shaking my head?)

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