Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 9 December 2012

How much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I’m going to have to change the name of the blog to something a bit more sedentary.
We had another nice day at home today. The Man, once he was feeling up to it got up and just sat on the couch and read all day. 

As for me, I’ve been playing on the computer, researching the family tree and updating it.
Oh did I not tell you. 

The poor chappie has been under the weather all week. And not with the dreaded Man Flu either. He’s not one to have time off work, but could hardly get himself around. He is improving, but might need another few days off. So it will be to the Docs with him tomorrow.

The only update I have on the visa issue is that the UK Border Agency has taken a whopping £990 fee for processing the application, non-refundable of course. So we have thus far paid more than £1000 for his application.

 And for what?  

To have someone in an office take a look at a few papers and stamp them, or not as the case maybe.. Money for jam I say. So if it takes 10 hours that is still almost £100 per hour. Not that the underlings in the offices get anywhere near that. Wouldn’t it be interesting to find out how much the UK Border agency take in fees.

Just suppose that nationwide they get just 20 applications a week, that is… mmm.. let me see £20,000 a week. Extrapolate that up to a year and that comes to more than a million pounds.
Boy is that a lot of money.  That’s just for a single application, others would be adding spouses and children to that and the potential cost per visa is whole lot more.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! that is a huge amount of $$$ to pay, i suppose it has come from the camper funds??

    Glad to hear the man is up and getting about, if only to the couch.
