Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 23 December 2012

Missed it...

Just turned on the TV just in time to see the credits for a Muppet Christmas movie.

Took me right back to when the Girls Brigade troupe my daughters belonged to put on an entirely different seasonal concert. A Muppet Christmas story. I never got to see the production because I was backstage turning children into their alter ego Muppet characters.
 Judging by the amount of applause the kids got the audience loved it; it was fun to listen to though. There were even the two old men hecklers.

Making the costume was fun too. My girls played the parts of Beaker and Bunsen Honeydew.  For Beaker’s face I wrapped a long piece of cardboard around my daughter’s head, to get the size. Painted pink  with a bulbous nose, startled eyes, a downturned mouth topped with bright orange hair and tah-dah… 

Bunsen took a bit longer to make.  I papier-mâchéd an inflated balloon, then painted on his features, added glasses, dressed the daughter in my lab coat and presto chango there was the mad scientist.  

A bit of a change from the Christmas concerts of my childhood. I remember one from primacy school. Us little kids were all angels. Mum made my full length wide slaved costume from an old sheet. Dad took up the challenge of my wings, somehow fabricating the silver creations so that they would stand out by themselves. Was there a halo? I think so, metal wire wrapped in Christmas tree tinsel.

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