Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 31 December 2012

Change of plan...

 I said yesterday that I won’t be posting on this site again, but on second thoughts, I will continue simply because it is easier to keep on than to start all over. And if I have to fork out some dosh to post more pictures then so be it.
OK that said what am I going to write about tonight. 

Work today was a bit of doddle, patient wise that is. We only opened until 1400. But there was a lot of paperwork. I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, that shortly we will finally be switching from paper feels to computer based notes. It can’t happen soon enough for me. I feel like I am working back in the dark ages, having to hand write everything down. And I write badly enough to be a doctor. O when will this grand transformation take place? Who knows!

I’ve worked in my current position for two years and we’ve been going computer since before that. It is closer though as we have for the last couple of months been pulling each and every file. Then begin the boring task of sorting through it, discarding duplicates, collating results and incoming mail and going on to the next one. Happy daze. 

There is a good thing about not seeing too many clients in that I can have National Radio New Zeeland’s all night programme. Good to hear the familiar voices and her updated news and current events. 

Best of all today was a song that made me laugh. Gerry and the Merito singing what was controversial at the time it was released. My Old Man’s an All Black. It was a rugby tour to South Africa when the Maori players were not allowed to go. 

The song was recorded in the Pukekohe Town Hall on a little tape recorder beside the stage, and a plastic microphone. The worst recorded song of the many recordings they did, but it sold the most copies. It included many comic asides such as "Fi Fi Fo Fum, there's no Horis in this scrum."

Sunday 30 December 2012

Penultimate entry...

With only one day to go I should tell you that after tomorrow there will be no more entries on this site. That’s because I seem to have used up all my photograph storage space and I don’t want to delete any of them. I will create a new blog site, but I haven't a clue what it will be called…

Any suggestions?  

I have no idea why, but there was not a lot of sleep had in our house last night. Both The man and I were up until 0400 watching a movie called Chocolat. Not a bad movie, but we would have both preferred to have been in dreamland. 

So we didn’t get up until almost 1100 and when we did it was a rush because we were going to a friend’s house for lunch. We had originally intended to walk over, which would have taken us about forty-five minutes, but we got the bus instead. 

Getting around here is so easy. Unless of course the transport system is on strike, like it was on Boxing Day.

And a very nice afternoon we had with them too, chatting about everything and nothing. She’s into her genealogy too so we had plenty  in common to talk about. She’d love to locater her step Dad’s military record, but without his service number it will be a very difficult task. 

There will be a few resolution next year and goodness me this year has run out fast, so I will need to keep my wits about me if I want to keep them. Usually I make the same on every year, and that is not to make any, but this coming year I will be working extra hard on my family tree.

Saturday 29 December 2012

As I was saying...

OK so I was wrong about how many days were left in the year, I obviously recited the rhyme to myself wrong. December has 31 days not 30. So now I can truly say OMG only two more days and it will be 2013.

30 days hath September,
April, June and November,
All the rest have 31,
Excepting February alone.
Which only has but 28 days clear
And 29 in each leap year

Looking for that rhyme made me think of others that we used to say. Like this one.

Blue and green should never be seen except on a Spanish queen 

And this one from my nursing to days, used to remember the order of cranial nerves. I remember the mnemonic but not the names of the nerves.

On Old Olympus' Towering Top, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops.

Now I had a different interpretation on this one below. Red sky at night should mean that it will be a wet day so that he can have a lie in, and red sky in the morning should mean that it will be a nice day so he should get up early

Red sky at night; shepherds delight,
Red sky in the morning; shepherds warning

This one is from my school days to remember how to spell arithmetic.

A red Indian thought he might eat toffee in church

And did you know that these common sayings were originally penned by none other than the Bard, William Shakespeare himself. OK we’ve taken liberties with some of them and use them not quite as they were written, but then that is artistic licence isn’t it.

Friday 28 December 2012

Where did it go...

OMG only two more days and it will be 2013. And I have blogged every day for the whole year. 

It is no wnder that I run out of thins to write about some days. What a fuss there was 13 years ago when we went from 1999 to 2000. Rumours flew about the ‘Millennium Bug’ all our computers were going to crash, airplanes would fall out of the sky and in general al hell would let loose. NOT
A wise doc I was working for at the time said ‘just advance the date on the computer and see what happens’ Nothing did.   

I’ve had a nice quiet day pottering with all my genealogy paperwork. Tidying it up and trying to get all the information that I have about each person in the same place. Only trouble now is that the folder I have it in is overcrowded. I thought I would be able to get another from on of the stores at Crystal place, my Mum would have said ‘Well you know what tight thought don’t you?’
He thought his foot was out of bed so he got up to have a look. 

Stroke of luck this afternoon when I turned o the TV one of the upcoming movies was Nicolas Cage in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. When it hit the cinemas last year sometime I really wanted to go and see it. It took a while to find a cinema that was showing it and by the time we got to it we had missed the beginning. Not any more