Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 13 October 2012

saturday already...

We spoke to The Man’s sister last night, well this morning their time, and she is very positive about her recent diagnosis of breast cancer. She told us that it is in the very early stage and very small. Thanks heaven for regular mammograms, that’s how it was discovered. The surgery she’s scheduled for will just take the ‘lump’ and a margin of tissue around it. Hopefully that will be it. The hard part will be the waiting.  We light candles for the family in all the churches we visit, and now we have even more reason to. Well it can’t hurt can it?  

When I saw one of the other residents from our building this morning I asked him if he knew why the police had cordoned off an area across the road. His reply was that somebody had been murdered. Yikes, that didn’t sound good. When I got back to our flat I woke up the computer and googled it. Seems it wasn’t quite murder. This is an excerpt from an online report 

A MAN is in a critical condition after being stabbed in Upper Norwood yesterday afternoon. The victim, aged in his early 20s, was left injured following the incident in Brunel Close yesterday (Thursday).The incident happened in an area behind a block of flats. Police were called around 4.10pm and the man, who suffered assault injuries as well, is currently at a south London hospital.

We’ve had a quiet day, The Man and me, well after such a busy week on the cruise we needed it. Hardly, that has to have been the most relaxed holiday we have ever had.
My in house cook, AKA The man made us his specialty breakfast. That’s right bacon and eggs, he’s a dab hand in the kitchen, well at breakfast he is anyway.

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