Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Licence to kill... I almost wish I had one

Am blogging very late tonight. The Man and I have just come home from watching the latest Bond movie, Skyfall. Now up until now I wasn't really a fan of the new man who is Bond. Well I am a died in the wool Sean Connery fan. And I still am. But notice that I said 'up until now'. No I'm not relinquishing my long time membership to the Sean Connery fan club, but I think I might I have just become a member of the Daniel Craig fan club.
OK so it wasn't the most sophisticated movie I've ever seen, but it had all the components of a good Bondie. Action, pretty girls, fast cars, action, more pretty girls, more action. What more could I want ?
Oh and it was good to see an acknowledgement to past gadgetry.

On another note, we have just spent a very frustrating half an hour trying to log into the UK Border agency site to get an appointment. And did we get one? We did not.
Not much choice left but for is to complain about it, which we have. By email.
Will keep you posted

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