Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 18 October 2012

Late home tonight...

I think the blog will get no more than a perfunctory addition tonight. Why so? I’ll tell you if you give me a mo. Even though I should finish at 1700 it was just after 1900 before I was able to hit the off button on the computer and shut up shop. Fortunately I had The Man to keep me company; everyone else on my floor went home long ago. 

was no way I was going to start cooking tea when we got home just after 2000; good thing the local chippie was still open. I do enjoy  fresh chip sammies. 

I don’t think work is busier, but I was working on my own this afternoon and doing medicals to boot, not to mention trying to sort out some lab results and create travel information for clients.  The fact that I’m not at work tomorrow and am off all of next week too means that I had to finish EVERYTHING, and not leave some of the less important stuff for the next day. Then there was stock checking and ordering too which a bit time is consuming. But I did it. It is really great that The Man was with me. I think I am so fortunate that we are able to travel to and from work with each other; it makes the commute so much nicer.  

So tomorrow we will be making a different train journey, this time to a huge camping and caravan show up in Birmingham. Now it’s off to bed so we can get a good night’s sleep. 

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