Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 29 October 2012

Normality has been restored, well almost

hey ho, hey ho its off to work we go. Ah how quickly normality restores itself after a holiday.

I've been writing about the difficulty The Man has been having with the immigration service here. Well following the instructions of the none too friendly bloke behind the counter at the Croydon office, which was to go online at midnight and the next batch of appointments will be released.
So what did we do last night?
Set the alarm clock for a few minutes to midnight, and go online to book an appointment, right.
.The first part, go online went OK, then it came to logging into the site and, hello, it didn't accept the user-name and password. Try again, and again, and again. Now I know that I was keying in the right ones, but the site kept on telling me it was wrong. How annoying is that. So guess what we will be trying again tonight.

Had to have a bit of a chuckle to myself at work today. Young woman comes into my office and I noticed from her file that her name had change. Married or unmarried I ask her. Well you never can tell these days can you.
Married she says with a grin, six weeks ago. Well I say congratulations. Thanks she says, with a giggle, now I feel all grown up.

I know how she feels. There are times when I think that one day someone will come along and say to me. 'You're not really a nurse, you know' and take back my registration. I guess that is one of life's little mysteries that we all have some irrational fears. A few years ago when we were on holiday with a daughter, her husband and the six month old granddaughter, one of the attractions we visited was Sea world. There was a part where we could walk over and a shark tank. The walls on either side were a good five feet hight,. Even so, daughter needed to have her daughter in the buggy so that none of us would throw her over the wall into the tank.

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