Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Clocks ticking...

Half way through the tenth month already and in another week or so the clocks will have gone back, spring forward, fall back as they say. That will make things tricky to communicate with the folks  at home. Back in NZ the clocks have gone forward and we are still in British Summertime which means there is exactly a twelve hour time difference, so 2200 here and 0800 there. That means when the time changes,  she says thinking about it with difficulty when we put our clocks back and it is 2200 here it will be (mumble, mumble, mumble) 0700 there. I think.

Flu vaccination time has come around again, and no we haven’t had ours yet but we will be in the next week or so. I don’t want to risk being a bit under the weather next week while we are away. The Man had a very nasty run in with what I am sure was swine flu Christmas before last.  It was our first Christmas here and a white on to boot.  There was snow on my birthday at the beginning of December, OK it was cold, but I loved it. 

We had booked ourselves into a hotel in Salisbury, near Stonehenge, and traveled there by coach. On Christmas morning the place looked just like a picture on a  traditional   Christmas card, it couldn’t have been better for me. My poor Man struggled through the morning hardly touching his traditional lunch and not really appreciating the view from the bay window where we were seated. Pristine snow, a  view over country fields and robins.  I couldn’t have asked for more. Well retrospectively I could have asked that The Man was well enough to appreciate it with me. He went to bed after lunch and stayed there for five days, poor lad. Just as well there was good entertainment on the TV. The hotel staff  were excellent and kept me well supplied with plates of sandwiches and hot food when I asked for it. 

So will he be having a flu shot this year? Too right he will.

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