Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 28 October 2012

Chilly Sunday...

Hmph. Summer has really gone. Not only has the temperature taken a nose dive, it was one to only one degree at 0700 this morning and the clocks have gone back too. So here I am at just after 1800 and it is quite dark outside. Never mind,  it’s only about six weeks to the shortest day.
There was quite a pretty sunrise when I got up today, too pretty to resist taking pictures, which I didn’t. Resist that is. Then as it was still early I crawled back into the warm bed and had another snooze.

We spent this morning in the warm of the flat. Both of us head down in books. The man was not reading for pleasure though. He’s been studying hard.
Before we came over here I had to sit an English language exam. No really I am not kidding. There I am with English as my first language and having to prove that I can speak it. That’s because of this  EU thing that Britain subscribes to. Never mind the immigrants from EU countries who don’t have English as their mother tongue, and do they have to have a good grasp of the language that is spoken in the country. No they do not. Do you sense a bit of disparity there?  What I am getting at here is that now that The Man is going to apply for permanent residency, he too has to sit an exam to show that he is familiar with life in the UK. Nothing wrong with that I hear you say. Well that is true I suppose and I would have agreed with you. That was before I read some of the questions in the test.
Here are some of the questions
·         How many people live in the countries of the UK?
·         What is the census and how is census data collected and used?
  • How many people belong to an ethnic minority and which are the largest minority groups?
  • Where are there large ethnic communities?
  • How many people in the UK own their own home?  
  • What services are available to pregnant women? Which organisations offer information on maternity and ante-natal services?
  • What responsibilities do self-employed people have?
So how well would you do answering questions about you own country?

After lunch we had a nice walk round the park here at Crystal Palace 

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