Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 19 October 2012

a ride on the train

How easy was that?  Getting to Birmingham and to the exhibition centre was a piece of cake. We got up about 15 minutes before our usual time and caught the slightly earlier train. We were quite early at Euston for the fast train to Birmingham so in retrospect we could have actually gotten up at our usual time, but if there had been any holdup we wold have missed our connection. So we had time for hot chocolate and a sit down before the train arrived. 

The further north we got the better the day became sunnier and a bit cooler. It seems odd to write about it getting cooler the further north we go, but then lots of things are topsy turvey here on this side of the world. It was nice to see the rural scenery, even if it did flash by in bit of a hurry. Nice to be able to let the eye wander into the distance, everything is close and cluttered in London What we do notice is the that lots and lots and the houses look very samey and without much colour. Just about everything is built of brick. And you get a bit tired of looking at the same colour all the time.

There was a shuttle bus from the station to the exhibition centre, which was unexpected and welcome, cos we were pretty sure we were going to be on our feet all day, and we were.
The camping and caravan show was excellent and very well worth going, and we did walk our feet off. We looked at so many campers, but ruled out lots pretty quickly because they didn’t have a permanent made up double bed in the rear of the van. Others we ruled out, even though they had the prerequisite bed, because the layout just wasn’t right. 

After a lot of looking we narrowed our selection down to three very nice ones, and from those three down to one. Which was, wouldn’t you know it, the most expensive one. But the layout was excellent and the finishing was top notch.

So did we buy one, no we didn’t, but boy it would have been good to have.

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