Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 4 October 2012

day 313

What a day. Not a bad one, but then I very rarely have a bad day. In fact I don’t remember when I did have one. My philosophy is ‘whether or not I have a bad day is up to me and it is my fault if I have a bad day’ OK, others might argue that their day is not in their control, but how they feel about it is. So I choose to always have a good day. and I have always succeeded. Yes I do have stressful days, who doesn’t, but my reaction to them is up to me. 

So yes it was a busy day, and I  did finish an hour later than I should have, it would have been a bit longer too if The Man hadn’t helped me out with a few of the routine tasks. He’s a good bloke my man.  One of the things I was getting done was creating and sending out 200 odd email invitations to take part in a quarterly survey about clients reactions to the service we provide. It is time consuming as the emails can only be sent out in batches of ten, otherwise the mass email is perceived as spam by the company and probably would wind up blocked. Haven’t tried it but I am told that that is the way it is. 
So I had a large list of 200 plus names to choose to send the survey out to, making sure there are no duplicate names in the list of course. Good old excel makes it easy to do it.  So that was my last task of the day. I had spent some of the afternoon getting things tidied up in the office so that I can have the next few days off ‘cos we are off on holiday again. Yes again. And where are we going? Aha you will have to wait for that one. All I will tell you is that we are going on a cruise leaving from tilbury. Just for 5 days.
I’m hoping I will be able to blog every day; it would be a shame to break with the habit of 313 days

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