Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 26 October 2012

Home again...

t will be a short read for you tonight,
What is it with the Brits and Bingo? That's what last nights entertainment was. Again even. So after dinner we sat in the lounge with a glass of red, before retiring.
Neither of us slept particularly well and both of us were pleased when the alarm beep beeped at a quarter to seven.
Breakfast was as usual very nice thank you. Bacon, eggs, tomato and mushies. Better make the most of it cos it will be the last one, at lest until The Man works his magic in the kitchen.
The coach was fully loaded and ready to go by about 0900, and as had happened on other days the two Indian women sitting behind us started their very loud conversation. That was until The Man turned and asked them to keep the volume down. He did it so nicely that they didn't take offence and it was nice to be able to hear ourselves think.
At our first rest stop, which was only an hour down the road, the driver announced that there would be a bit of musical chairs at the next rest stop.
There was another bus, oops there I go again,I mean coach, from the same company doing the same tour and the drivers must have been chatting about the different pick ups and drop off points and so to made sense to combine the two coachloads and then divide them up again according to destination.
The coach trip was the easy part of getting back to Crystal Palace.
Once we were back in the public transport system it seemed to take forever to get back from the drop off point. It was Friday after all, and the beginning of the rush hours.
So here we are back in our little flat, all unpacked and fed.

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