Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 30 October 2012

a bit of a laugh ...

I was a tad disconcerted this morning on the train this morning. Why?
Well, you would be too; if on an underground train you could smell a hot electrical smell. When I looked around no one appeared to be bothered by it, but I can tell you I was very pleased to get off.
At work we are in the midst of the flu vaccination season. If you’re on this side of the world, have you had yours yet? I had mine yesterday, and I gave The Man his too. Any side effects? Nope, just a slightly tender arm

We’ve had a locum in to help with things, and she got herself a little snowed under this morning with the queue of clients waiting to have their vaccinations. So in-between the clients I was seeing I did some too.  I have the talk off pat now, and hopefully I won’t be saying it in my sleep. 

Had to have a bit of a laugh at myself today too. Picture this.

I’ve just taken an unwell ‘walk in’ client into one of our spare rooms to lie down.
Give a couple more flu vaccinations.
Then go out to get my next client. Nothing funny in that. Give me time and I’ll get to the funny bit. Well I thought it was funny.
Wanting to check on my client who was laying down I send my new client, who I thought was for a medical, to the loo to do me a sample.
Check on the unwell lady and get back to my room to take the sample from h chap and check it with a dip stick. All OK there.
So how long is it since you had your eyes tested I ask him.
Not for a long time he says, but what’s that got to do with my travel vaccinations.
What I say, aren’t you here for a medical?
No, he says, I’m travelling and I want to know what vaccinations I need.
We both had a good laugh.
Nothing like a bit of humour to make the afternoon go by.

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