Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 1 October 2012

Monday musings

Back home in NZ daylight savings has begun. So now instead of it being 0730, when I talk to them at 0830, it will be 0830.  It doesn’t take much to confuse this bear of little brain. And in another couple of weeks, here in the UK we will be out of British summer time so then I really will be confused.
The Man has become firm friends with a chap on the train. Months and months ago he, the other chat, was struggling for a tissue and The Man gave him one. Well the next time we saw him this other chap couldn’t get into the train fast enough to give The Man a replacement pack of tissues, since then him and The Man have been chatting away every weekdays morning.  He’s very sociable is The Man and talks to lots of people on the train. I’m more likely to have my nose in a book. I do miss having the time to have a good read.

One of my good mates at home is very much a fan of short stories, where as I prefer to get my teeth into a long saga. But it is ages since I was able to give time to sit down and lose myself in a good story. Much as I am loath to get into short stories I think that until I have the luxury of time to give over to a long read then maybe I just might have to resort to short stories.
A friend who is also doing family tree research suggested a website to find out about WWII servicemen, I posted a reply this afternoon and have already had a reply. Once I have figured out what it means I’ll let you know

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