Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 11 October 2012

Back to reality...

Normality, whatever that is, has returned. Holidays always go by much too fast. Oh well The Man and I only have a two day work week this week. Next week will be short for us too as we are off to another campervan show on Friday next week, followed by another nice week away in the ….ooo I almost let it slip where we are going. All I will say is that we are not going out of the country this time.
It is amazing how quickly the darkness of the mornings have moved on in the few days we were away.
Our trains are getting quite a lot busier, we do get a seat on the train out from Crystal palace in the morning, I have a change at Canada Water and thank goodness it is only for one stop. Picture this. The carriage is crammed full with a space just big enough for me and another passenger to get on. We are standing so close that there is not room for another person between us. The next chap thought there was. He tried stepping into the carriage. There’s no room I told him, feeling a bit like one of the characters at the Mad Hatters tea party. The chap was still determined to get on despite the fact that there wasn’t. There is no room I repeated looking him in the eye, then down the carriage. I think he got the message cos he removed his foot from the carriage. Well the next train was only three minutes away.
When The Man and I got to Canary Wharf station this evening what did we see but a huge crowd being held at the entry gates down onto the platform. Hmm not going there we both agreed. Turn right and walk into eh mall. A good excuse for coffee and muffin at Starbucks. Half an hour later the crush had cleared and we were on our way home again.
Off the train at Anerly and onto the bus up to CP. Then a short walk to the front door of our building. Hang on a mo. directly across the road, guarding a marked off area was a policewomen. Not one to be backward in coming forward, we went across the road and asked what was going on. She said there had been a serious incident and was reluctant to say more. She did tell us that it wasn’t a local resident that was involved. We will have to wait until next Thursday cos that’s when the local paper comes out

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