Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 20 October 2012

Campers and churches

Really nice not being woken up by the beeping alarm clock.  OK, so I was out of bed by 8am, but today it was MY choice.  Nice to have a bit of free time. The Man and I spent a very pleasant hour or two looking at the pictures we took at the motor van show yesterday. Mulling over their features and dimensions. And still thinking that the one we decided on yesterday is the right one. 

 We are so looking forward to being able to go back to the gypsy lifestyle we had in NZ when we lived in our caravan for two years. Apparently there is a bit of gypsy in my ancestry which might account for the fact that I love to travel.

This afternoon The Man and I did our usual stroll to the supermarket, granny trolley in tow. Overheard the afro-carribean woman in front of me saying to the cashier, ‘May god keep you and bless you’, not something you expect to hear every day in the supermarket. The cashier, herself afro-carribean said to me when the first customer had gone ‘poor thing, she has altzheiemrs you know’

It is quite usual to see people reading their bible, or Koran, in public; generally speaking they are afro-carribean or similar ethnic back ground, though not always. 

There is an ethnic church in the grove opposite us and on Sundays congregation arrive clad in long white, satin looking, gowns, all of them the men, women and the children to. The men and children are bareheaded, but the women wear what that looks like old fashioned bakers hat. All of them are barefoot.  The stark contrast between the optically white robes and the often very dark skin is something to see. I would love to take a picture of them, but feel it might be considered rude if I did.
There is a Greek church around the corner near the supermarket, it looks very run down and mundane on the outside. Last ester we were able to have a look inside. Once our eyes accustomed themselves to the low light inside the interior glowed with gold icons and crowned statues. And hanging over it all was a huge glittering brass chandelier.

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