Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 15 October 2012

Cars and calls....

I meant to tell you about a couple of interestingly decorated vehicles we saw recently. First when we were waiting at bus stop a very sleek white Roller drove past. Nothing interesting in that I hear you say. Well this particular roller has gold guilt handles and trim. Shades of Del Boy from the TV show Only Fools and Horses. If you don’t get the connection try googling it.  

The next sight was a very brightly coloured iridescent green Merc. We’ve never ever seen one painted such a gaudy colour. I wouldn’t have looked out of place on a boy racer car or a Lada. But on the Merc it just looked cheap and nasty. 

Third and final was another Roller, though it could have been a Bentley, was hard to tell from the quick glimpse we got from the top deck of the bus. Because the front was black we initially thought it had been burned out, but no. As the bus passed the driveway where  the car was parked, we could see that it had been done on purpose. The matt black front gave way to bright orange and yellow flames painted down the sides. 

Strange the things people do to their cars.

We have been bombarded by media advertising about reclaiming oversold payment protection insurance. For the last few months, almost every Saturday or Sunday, and the occasional evening too we would get an automated message when we answered the landline phone telling us we have been oversold this type of insurance and that it is not too late to claim it back.  Those calls have now abated thank goodness. I did think it had all gone away until today when I received an urgent text message telling me that my claim of three thousand and something pounds has been approved and I should call them. All very well, apart from the fact that we have never been sold even one pennyworth of payment protection insurance.  Did I respond to the text? Too right I did. I sent it to the bin immediately.

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