Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 12 October 2012

Friday morning didn't get off to a good start...

No word on what the boys in blue were doing across the road last night. This morning when we left for work, an in the almost dark too, one of them was still there guarding the site. Not this evening, and we came home almost in the dark as well. I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow when we are likely to bump into on of the residents who will I’m sure be able to fill us in with the details.
This morning got off to a pretty alarming start. Picture this. In the shower is The Man, I’m in the kitchen getting some of the lunch things ready when (very loudly) BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP….what the dickens is that?

 It’s the newly installed fire/smoke alarm. And worse still I cannot turn it off. It is connected to a monitoring system.  So there’s me running about like a headless chook, well almost and then the intercom beeps. ‘Hello this is the such and such monitoring; your smoke alarm is going off are you OK? They didn’t seem at all surprised when I told them that it was the steam from the bathroom that had set it off. ‘Just wave something in front of it’ they said ‘And it will turn it off. Phew. Not the kind of start to the day we like. 

At my usual Starbucks stop off this morning, I did my usual netting, checking the emails and on the family at home.  Got more than a bit of a shock in one email. One of The Man’s sisters has been diagnosed with the very nasty C word. Early stages yet thank goodness and likely to be very treatable. Nevertheless it is still pretty shocking. Makes you feel quite vulnerable. But then that is why we are doing what we are doing over here in the UK.  We plan to wear out and not rust up.

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