Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 6 September 2012

Words of wisdom...perhaps

We’re getting some really pretty sunrises. The rising orb glows red and illuminates the plane trails making it look like some random painter has drawn liens all across the sky.
It reminds me of the rhyme. Red sky at night shepherds delight. Red sky in the morning shepherd warning.  I was surprised to find out that this old adage dates back as far as biblical times. Not is the same words, but in the same sentiment.

That had me thinking about other old sayings, not that I could remember any off the top of my head, but a bit of googling lead me to these contradictory gems.

Birds of a feather flock together.   Opposites attract. 
Don't judge a book by its cover.    The clothes make the man. 
The early bird gets the worm.        Better late than never.  
Curiosity killed the cat.                  What you don't know can't hurt you.  
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.     Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Some I think must have had a grain of truth in them. Some perhaps were to try to keep people safe.  
On a similar vein I thought I knew about some of the origins of nursery rhymes,

And I’d always thought that this rhyme was about the plague. 

 Ring around the rosy,
A pocket full of posies;
ashes, ashes
we all fall down!

Despite the fact that it is extremely unlikely to refer to the plague, the concept is so deeply set in the modern English speaker’s psyche that it is unlikely to fade in the future.
Well as my Mum would say  You know what thought Thought don’t you. Thought his foot was out of bed so he got out to have  look.  I got no answer from the web  when I googled that one.

Sunrise over Crystal palace

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