Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 5 September 2012

I don't go there for the coffee...

Another lovely day. A tiny bit chilly first thing, but turned into a really nice warm day.

Mumble grumble grumble.  B%^%*$ Starbucks. This morning the connection was awful. It kept dropping out even though at times the connectivity was good. Then at other times it was very poor. What is it with them? Buckys is really going to pot. First they begin to refurbish my regular store. That takes four weeks longer that than the advertised time frame. When I go back there the layout is awful. Gone are the couple of nice comfy sets in the window replaced by a bench set down one wall, not much room in the store, but it gave the staff more room behind the counter. So I abandoned that one as my regular and returned to the smaller store. No comfy seats, but it was possible to tuck myself out of the way at one of the small table and chairs.

 Well will you look at that, a couple fo weeks later my new, old, regular store is closing for refurbishment.  This happens about the same time as I am working at a different site. When I work there I have my morning coffee and chat at the biggest store at Canary wharf. This store is full of comfy chairs. 

So the following week I resort to the store with the long bench seat until the newly refurbed store is open again.  And when it does b&^%* gone are all the tables and chairs, replaced by high tables and perching stools. And there were no longer any tables outside.
OK back to store with the long bench seat. And the scenario this morning doesn’t enamor Buckys to me at all. 

Hmm I wonder which other café on the Wharf does free wifi with the coffee?

I’m over it now, well almost.
I managed to get out at lunch time for a walk in the pleasant sun, and very nice it was too. I sat for a while in one of the local parks. Found myself almost nodding off in the warm. I guess I was a bit more tired than usual today. Got woken rather rudely at half past five this morning by a very painful cramp in my leg. Leapt out of bed and stretched it very very gently taking care not to do it too fast and tear the muscle. Guess I will need a bit of an early night tonight

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